A collection of essays, short fiction, and creatively recounted moments in the life of a quasi-adult NYC queer.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ten Things I'm Totally Down For.

Those who know me well know me as someone who's totally down for most things. If you're in the mood to go for a walk, then it's safe to assume that I'll go with you, and enjoy it. If you'd like to stay in, well grab a comfy chair and let's watch a some TV. So just to save time, here's a list of the...
Top Things I'm Totally Down For:

1. Watching Animation. I love animation. Be it Saturday morning cartoons, artful animated cinema or anything in between. Yeah, let's watch some animation.

2. Smoking Up. There are very few times when I'm not up for this, if you catch me during one of those times, run. Seriously.

3. Shots. If I'm conscious, shots are an option. Also, car bombs.

4. Brainstorming Your Idea. You have an idea? Let's talk about it, bounce it around and see how it shapes up. You know what goes good with brainstorming? See #2.

5. Going To the Movies. Even bad movies. I love sitting in the dark with you, whispering quips to one another.

6. Back rubs. Giving and receiving.

7. Word games.

8. Getting dressed up. Seriously, let's play dress-up.

9. Wandering off for a bit. Got some time? How about a wander?

10. Writing lists. I'm always up for a list. Top fives, top tens, the good, the bad, Marry/Fuck/Kill, etc.